Portfolio Bonds
Portfolio bonds are investment accounts provided by all the major insurance companies and offer a safe and secure way to invest your capital for long term financial planning

Secure your capital
Typically structured as an Investment-Linked Life Insurance plan, they serve as excellent tax-efficient structures, that are designed for long term financial planning and can hold virtually any freely tradable asset while offering both security of capital and the ability to be rolled into a ready-made trust structure with ease.
You simply open an account and transfer your cash across and together with a Bluestar AMG adviser you would create the optimal portfolio of investment assets.

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Some of the key benefits of using offshore portfolio bonds include:
- All assets held under one roof making for easy administration and management
- Open Architecture – access to any tradable asset such as funds, equities and ETF’s
- Tax efficient growth
- Discounted entry to a wide range of funds
- Access to capital from day 1
- Flexibility to make additional investments at anytime
- Portability should you change employer or location
- 24 / 7 online access (portfolio values updated daily)
- Multiple currencies
- Regular Income facility
- Overdraft facility
- Discretionary and Expert Management
- Portfolio analysis tools
Open a Portfolio Bond today
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