Our Values
If the mission statement is the goal or destination, then the values are the road map. Behaviours lead to the very actions that bring the outcomes, and good ethical behaviour will always lead to desirable outcomes.
Our iStar promise
At Bluestar AMG we take the view that an honest approach is
the only approach, we know exactly what we value and what
traits are important to us both as a business and as human
beings. Regardless as to what is happening in the world, our
values make us; we live and breathe them because it is
who we are.
Every team member is hired for their many qualities but also for possessing each of the iStar values. This ensures the company interests are aligned with the client interests at all times and that the service and advice our clients receive will always be of the highest standard.

Our code of conduct
Bluestar AMG advisers have a duty and responsibility to ensure that his / her conduct will not bring the company into disrepute. It is the adviser’s personal responsibility to:
- Fulfil the financial planning needs of his/her clients to the best of his/her ability.
- Maintain clients’ confidence, whilst adhering to the letter and spirit of applicable laws and regulations.
- Provide service to clients and their beneficiaries with no undue delay.
- Adhere to professional standards of conduct in advising clients for their protection and attainment of financial security objectives.
- Avoid any action likely to prejudice the financial wellbeing of clients.
- Present accurately and honestly all the facts essential to clients’ decisions
- Co-operate with others whose service is related to meeting the needs of clients
- At all times conduct business to a high professional standard
Our mission is to cement Bluestar AMG as a first choice in the financial advisory and asset management industries by going back to basics utilising a client centric approach.”
Mark G Matlaszek & James R Sutherland (Founding Partners)