Education Fee Planning
A plan for the future.

University and College Fees
50-years ago, it was possible for a 16-year old to start as the teaboy and work his way to CEO. Unfortunately, those days are long-gone, the job-market is more competitive than ever, and a basic degree is considered a must, just to even think of competing.
Universities and colleges are becoming significantly more
expensive each year, and there is no guarantee that countries
with cheaper universities, such as Germany or Holland, will
have low tuition rates in 10- or 15-years’ time. Even with just a
5% annual increase to University fees, the cost doubles every
14-years and if you have more than one child, it can get very
expensive thus making it essential to start planning now.
This is where financial planning comes in. When it comes to your children’s education, it is vital to consider how you will pay
for their time at university or college – even if they have not
started school yet.
We specialise in helping you create investment and savings
plans, targeted to ensure that by the time your child reaches 18 years old, you have enough money set aside to make sure your child has the best education possible.
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Our fully qualified advisers are ready to give advice without prejudice and with the utmost integrity. Through our people we deliver a fully transparent solution and use an ethical approach with jargon free plain English.