A Qualifying Non-UK Pension Scheme (QNUPS) is a pension scheme based outside the UK that qualifies for an exemption from UK Inheritance Tax (IHT) and does not have to be registered with HMRC, unlike QROPS and SIPPs.

QNUPS were created under the Inheritance Tax Regulations 2010, which became effective from 6th April 2010 and they are available to UK tax residents, including those permanently
residing in the UK, and overseas residents, including UK domiciled individuals.
QNUPS are generally used by non-UK residents, however they are also used by UK residents who have reached their lifetime allowance limit.
Depending on the pension legislation where the scheme is administered, benefits could be taken from as early as age 50. However, 55 is the earliest age if you are UK resident.
In some jurisdictions, a lump sum of up to 30% can be taken. However, in most jurisdictions the maximum amount is 25%.
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